What do the Ammonia 0-100ppm test strips measure? Is the reading given in Total Ammonia (mg/L)?

2020-08-07T14:37:10-07:00August 7th, 2020|Categories: , |

The test strips are meant to detect ammonia and ammonium in water, but not combined ammonia compounds like chloramines. The test strip uses two pads in the test pad “sandwich” – the first pad creates [...]

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How are the ppm levels quantified on the QAC test strips?

2020-02-14T15:03:15-07:00June 20th, 2019|Categories: , |

Precision Laboratories QAC test papers and strips utilize an effect commonly referred to as the “protein-error of indicators” to quantify the QAC ppm levels. While first observed with proteins (thus the name), the technique utilizes [...]

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Does temperature affect the pH test strips?

2020-02-14T12:26:48-07:00March 8th, 2018|Categories: , |

Our pH Color charts were developed using NIST-traceable pH buffers at 25°C. Colorimetric pH test strips do not offer “temperature compensation.” Care should be used when comparing results using test strips to those obtained with [...]

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