Yes. For example, or Chlorine paper (10-200ppm) will get a good reading, but the Mid-Level chlorine plastic strip (0-200ppm) will not work with trichloramines.

The difference is explained by the “type” of chlorine that each strip reacts to.

The paper strip is based on the potassium iodide starch reaction and will react to both “free” and “total” chlorine. The Mid-Level plastic chlorine test strip uses a red-ox indicator and only reacts to “free” chlorine.

“Free” chlorine is the combination of hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite present in the solution. The amount of each is dependent on the pH of the solution. At neutral pH and lower, the hypochlorous acid form dominates.

“Total” chlorine is the combination of “free” chlorine and “combined” chlorine (chlorine combined with ammonia to form monochloramine, dichloramine, and trichloramine).

Therefore, if you are monitoring solutions containing chloramines, you should use the paper chlorine strips. To get any response with the plastic strips, you would have to add much more chlorine.