The Hydrion QAC test strips are reddish-orange in color before use. Our QAC test strips are yellow in color before use.

Instructions for the Hydrion QAC test strips tell you to dip the strip into solution for 10 seconds and then read immediately. This 10 second development time (soaking) is important. With the 10 second wait, the color of a 200 and 400 ppm standard matches the Hydrion color chart fairly well.

If the user takes the strip out too soon the color shifts significantly lower. For example, if dipped in a 400ppm solution, the strip stays brown, which looks more like 200ppm.

Our QAC test strips have different instructions for use. The strip should be dipped into solution for 1-2 seconds, then compared to the color chart immediately. Again, the time is important.

If the user waits too long, the strips will turn more blue, as if it’s actually beyond the 400ppm value on the color chart.

Our QAC test strips were developed to work best for multi-quats. The standards we use are from a brand called OASIS 146 which consists of:

• Alkyl dimethylbenzyl ammonium chloride …… 3.00%
• Octyldecyldimethyl ammonium chloride …….. 2.25%
• Di-n-octyldimethyl ammonium chloride ………. 0.90%
• Di-n-decyldimethyl ammonium chloride …….. 1.35%

Different quat formulas require adjustments to the color chart. Some even require custom charts.